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Self-doubt is a beast you MUST reckon with
“A person who doubts himself is like a man who would enlist in the ranks of his enemies and bear arms against himself. He makes his failure certain by himself being the first person to be convinced of it.”
– Ambrose Bierce
We all have self-doubt
Have you ever experienced that nagging feeling of doubt, questioning your abilities, wondering if you're good enough?
We all have.
Self-doubt is a universal emotion, a frequent uninvited guest in our lives.
Often, we lack confidence in our abilities, allowing self-doubt to take hold.
We compare our progress to others, casting a shadow over our achievements.
Instead of focusing on our journey and growth, we stress over the final destination, inadvertently missing out on valuable experiences along the way.
It's easy to assume that others have it easier, that their path to success is effortless.
However, this belief often leads us to underestimate our own abilities.
We find ourselves envious of others' achievements without considering the hard work, persistence, and patience that paved their way to success.
One of the main reasons for self-doubt is a lack of belief in our unique purpose, our own individual journey. The fear of failure can also amplify our self-doubt, creating a cycle of hesitation and missed opportunities.
I have self-doubt too
I want to share with you some personal moments from my journey when self-doubt crept in. I believe in the power of shared experiences, and hopefully, my story might resonate with some of you.
I remember the rush of excitement and trepidation when I landed my first job in the tech industry.
As much as it was a significant achievement, the fear of being a neophyte in a sea of experienced professionals was overwhelming.
I was plagued by thoughts - was I good enough? Could I hold my own in this fast-paced, competitive environment?
I remember countless nights of self-doubt, questioning if I belonged, if I could really make a difference.
Venturing into my passion for art, I recall bidding for my first mural quite freshly.
The thrill of turning a blank wall into a storytelling canvas was intertwined with a deep-rooted fear - what if my vision didn't translate as I hoped?
And then, the day came when my proposal was accepted, and I found myself standing in front of the immense, unblemished wall.
Every stroke of the brush felt monumental, and the specter of self-doubt loomed large.
Could I deliver to their expectations? Was my art good enough?
When I became a father, self-doubt took on a different shade.
Now, it was no longer just about me, but about this tiny being who depended on me.
Was I patient enough, loving enough, present enough?
The fear of not being a good enough dad was, at times, crippling.
Each of these instances taught me invaluable lessons about self-doubt.
It's not an enemy but a reminder to pause, evaluate, and grow.
With every job I aced, every mural I painted, every smile I brought to my child's face, I learned that self-doubt wasn't a sign of my inadequacy but a stepping stone towards self-improvement.
It was a call to arms, a push to challenge myself, to step out of my comfort zone, and to become the best version of myself.
Life will always present us with challenges, and self-doubt may creep in, but remember, you have the power to turn that doubt into determination, and that determination into achievement.
After all, our biggest growth comes from conquering our greatest fears.
7 strategies for turning self-doubt into “Self-DO”
Now that we've touched on some moments where self-doubt can rear its head, let's delve into how we can flip the script. I want to share with you some strategies that I've found particularly helpful for transforming self-doubt into 'self-DO'.
- Make it a habit to focus on your strengths and positive qualities. You might be a great listener, a problem-solver, or have an uncanny knack for turning abstract ideas into tangible realities. Whatever your strengths, embrace them. They are your unique attributes, the components that make you 'you'.
- Avoid the comparison trap. In a world where everyone's achievements are often just a click away, it's easy to fall into the cycle of comparison. But remember, everyone is on their own unique journey, facing their own unique challenges. Use others' success stories as inspiration, not benchmarks.
- Surround yourself with supportive relationships. These are the people who uplift you, believe in you, and encourage you to pursue your passions, even when self-doubt tries to pull you back. They are your cheerleaders, ready to celebrate your victories, however small, and encourage you through your defeats.
- Name your limiting beliefs. Unmask that nebulous sense of doubt and identify what is holding you back. Once you've named it, you can face it, challenge it, and begin to dismantle it.
- Break down tasks or goals into manageable steps. See a seemingly insurmountable wall? Transform it into individual bricks. Focus on the next small step, and the one after that, and soon enough, you'll see how far you've come.
- Write down where you've come from, where you are, and where you want to go. It's a clear visual representation of your journey so far, and your goals for the future. This perspective can help banish self-doubt, replacing it with motivation and clarity.
- Finally, set goals for yourself. Having clear goals gives you a direction to move towards. They act as the north star guiding you through moments of self-doubt, giving you a tangible aim to focus on, rather than the ephemeral fog of doubt.
Remember, everyone has moments of self-doubt, but it's how we respond to them that defines our journey. Turn self-doubt into self-DO, and let's continue to grow, evolve, and create together!